The dictionary defines “mentor” as an “experienced and trusted advisor.”   As part of the program’s curriculum, we strongly encourage members of the Elevate Performance Emerging Leaders Program to reach out to mentors as “experienced and trusted advisors.”   We know that many of you in the audience today have served in that capacity.  It’s deeply appreciated.

At Elevate Performance, we’ve chosen the term Super Mentor to describe someone who, without demanding attention for themselves, takes that advisor relationship to another level–deeper, farther and broader, influencing many people, in many different ways, and ultimately making our community a better place to live and do business.

Todd Wood was the inspiration for the first Elevate Performance Super Mentor Award, and in the past four years, we’ve honored several other community leaders with the award.

It’s inspiring to watch the work of Super Mentors. It’s difficult to imagine building a great community without them.  So it’s our privilege to honor five more Super Mentors this year with a very nice recognition, produced and provided by our partner, Creative, Northwest Arkansas’ premier promotional marketing and recognition consultants.

Last night at our Inaugural “Giving Thanks” Awards and Celebration, five outstanding leaders were recognized as Super Mentors.  Please click here to learn who was named.    Thank you for all who contributed and attended.

What might you be missing?  Let’s get to what matters most to you.  Contact us to learn more about our Peer-to-Peer advisory groups including CEO Forums, Elevate Forums and Emerging Leader Forums, our one-on-one coaching .  Contact us to learn more – pear@ceoforums.us .

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