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Accelerate Forum IX - Let the Growth Begin

On October 16th, a group of talented professionals will come together for one of ten forums over the coming ten months. Members of the forum will gather in a group setting to process opportunities and challenges Socratically. Lead presenters present their topic of choice in a confidential setting, and the group digs deep to find solutions to whatever was brought up. Membership into an Accelerate Forum can be transformative and is always a high growth experience for those enrolled.   

They will get to:

1. practice leadership

2. apply critical thinking

3. problem/opportunity solve

4. learn from ten seasoned regional leaders

5. dive into seven pillars essential for leading an organization

6. develop close relationships with ten or more talented peers  

These members will graduate with the understanding that many of the challenges and opportunities that come before us aren't in the playbook and that they require critical thinking, emotional intelligence, due diligence and engagement with specialists in order to find the best pathway.   

Because you invested in them, members know they matter at your organization and you have invested in them.  They know you are interested in them over the long run. The value of human capital goes far beyond the payroll expense listed on an income statement. Your employees and coworkers are the lifeblood of your organization, so sharpening their skill set is advantageous to everyone in countless ways. This is what we have found, so enroll your "A" Player now.

Please email tim@ceoforums.us or ed@ceoforums.us for more information.